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《紙牌屋》經典臺詞 政治遠比愛情誠實

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《紙牌屋》經典臺詞 政治遠比愛情誠實


1. 我討厭追悼會,言不由衷,虛情假意,言詞空洞,話語膚淺。

2. A man is not old until his regrets take place of his dreams. 只有當遺憾取代了夢想,人才算老。

3. After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. 登上高峯後,你會發現還有更多的山峯要翻越。

4. “永遠被親朋敬重和懷念”,這也是司空見慣的俗套碑文。千萬別刻在我的墓碑上。一個人要拼搏奮鬥,動力絕不來自於敬重,而是恐懼。恐懼於一無所有間誕生泱泱帝國,於亂世狼煙中催生惶惶革命。恐懼是偉人成功的祕訣。如果別人害怕你會將其毀於一旦,徹底打倒,那自然會對你畢恭畢敬,俯首帖耳。最原始的恐懼令人陶醉其中,勢不可擋,衝擊力過人。恐懼之力,永比尊敬更甚。

5. A deception that elevates us is dearer than a host of low truths.

6. A great man once said that everything inlife is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.


7. A person's character isn't determined by how he or she enjoys victory, but rather how he or she endures defeat. 一個人的品行不取決於這人如何享受勝利,而在於他如何忍受失敗。

8. And a person's character isn't determined by how he or she enjoys vitory,but rather how he or she endures defeat.


9. Any pugilist worth his sale knows when someone’s on the ropes that’s when you throw a combination to the gut and a left hook to the jew.任何職業拳手都知道,一旦把對手壓迫在欄索上時,就要用組合拳攻擊他的腹部,然後一記左勾拳痛擊下顎。

10. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Truth lies in the hands of its editor.


《紙牌屋》經典臺詞 政治遠比愛情誠實 第2張


11. But you wanna know what takes real courage. Keeping your mouth shut ,no matter what you might be feeling. Holding it all together when the stakes are this high.但你知道什麼才叫做真正的勇敢嗎。無論內心有何感受,都能管住嘴巴。形勢如此嚴峻,仍能不亂陣腳。

12. Decisions based on emotion aren’t decisions at all are instincts.憑感情做的決定不叫決定,叫直覺。

13. Doesn’t matter what side you’re on. Everybody’s gotta eat.不論你站在哪一邊。大家都得吃東西。

14. Don't play dumb with me.


15. Every kitten grows up to be a cat. They seem so harmless at first. Small, quiet, lapping up their saucer of milk. Butonce their claws get long enough, they draw blood. Sometimes from the hand that feeds them。

16. Everything in life is about sex ,except sex. Sex is about power .


17. Forward! That is the battle cry. Leave ideologies for the Armchair General, does me no good.勇往直前!這是我的作戰口號。紙上談兵那一套,於我無益。

18. Friends make the worst enemies.


19. Give and ome to Washington.


20. Grief demands an answer, but sometimes there isn't one.


《紙牌屋》經典臺詞 政治遠比愛情誠實 第3張


21. He chose money over power--In this town, a mistake nearly everyone makes. Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after ten years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries.


22. He said, "Claire, if all you want is happiness, Say no. I'm not gonna give you a couple of kids and count the days until retirement. I promise you freedom from that. I promise you'll never be bored."

他說 克萊爾如果你只想要幸福,那就拒絕吧,我不會跟你生一堆孩子,然後數着日子退休,我保證你免受這些痛苦,也永遠不會無聊。

23. help me, help you.


24. How is it the world keeps spinning and you manage to stay ahead of it


25. Hunt or to be hunted

26. I ask the reverend once,"What are we supposed to do in the face of so much senseless pain?"And he said to me,"What else can we do but take what seems meaningless and try to make something meaningful from it."

27. i do not want to assume,i want to know.


28. I know all about starts in your gut,deep down here,where it stirs and churns,and then it rises fast and erupts hot on the eyes go wide with clench your teeth so think they'll shatter.

29. I love that woman. I love her more than sharks love blood.


30. I won’t be a slave to anybody or anything you can order with a toll-free number.我絕不受人或者免費電話能訂購的東西擺佈。

31. I'd push him down the stairs and light his broken body on fire, just watch it burn if it wouldn't start a world war.我真想立馬把他從樓梯上推下去摔死再焚屍,眼看着他燒成灰,只可惜那會引發世界大戰。

《紙牌屋》經典臺詞 政治遠比愛情誠實 第4張


32. If you want to be happy,be.

33. It only takes ten seconds to crush a man's ambitions.

I need to take care that I protect mine.




34. It’s not respect but fear that motivates a man; that’s how empires are built and revolutions begin.


35. It's good to have dreams,just so long as they are not fantasies.

36. I've always said that power is more important than money.

But when it comes to elections,money gives power well,a run for its money.

37. Love each other.

38. Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after ten years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries.金錢是薩拉索塔的巨無霸豪宅,保質期就只有十年。權力是古老的石砌建築,能屹立數百年。

39. No writer worth his salt can resist a good story, just as no politician can resist making promises he can't keep.有水平的作家都不會拒絕好故事,就像政客總忍不住亂許諾言一樣。

40. Nobody is a boy scout, not even boy scouts.沒人是真正清白的,童子軍也不例外。

41. Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith.


42. Of course we should enjoy our success and be grateful for it. But never let your gratitude sour into pride.


《紙牌屋》經典臺詞 政治遠比愛情誠實 第5張


43. Once someone is 're at your mercy.


44. Politics requires sacrifice. The sacrifice of others, of course.


45. Power’s a lot like real estate. It’s all about location, location, location. The closer you are to the source, the higher your property value.權力正如地產。位置是重中之重。你離中心越近,你的財產就越值錢。

46. Proximity to power deludes some into believing they wield it. I put an end to that sort of thinking before it begins.


47. She can go after me all she wants, but she goes after Claire, I'll slit her fucking throat in broad daylight.她怎麼衝我來都可以,可她敢找克萊爾的麻煩,我就在光天化日之下割了她喉嚨。

48. So be it.


49. Sometimes the only way to gain your superior's respect is to defy him.


50. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the one for the many. 有時候必須爲大我犧牲小我。

51. Such a waste of chose money over this town, a mistake nearly everyone y is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart afterten r is the old stone building that stands for centuries.

真是浪費啊,爲了錢而放棄權利,這個城市裏 幾乎人人都犯了這個錯。金錢是薩拉索塔的巨無霸豪宅,保質期就只有十年,權力是古老的石砌建築,能屹立數百年。

52. Take a step back,look at the bigger picture. That's how you devour a whale,Doug,one bite at a time. 退後一步,統觀全局,吞噬鯨魚就要這,一次一口,才能把整隻鯨魚吞下.

《紙牌屋》經典臺詞 政治遠比愛情誠實 第6張


53. The Fourth of July means nothing anymore. Overcooker hot dogs and fireworks that always leave you -size American flags made in China, halfheartedly waved by five-year-olds who'd rather be playing Minecraft .

54. The nature of promises is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.


55. The rational and the irrational complement each other. Individually, they are far less powerful.


56. The road to power is paved with hypocrisy. And casualties.


57. The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much,

It is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.

58. There are two kinds of sort of pain that makes you useless sort of pain that's only suffering.I have no patience for useless things. Moments like this require someone who will do the unpleasant thing,or the necessary more pain.痛苦分兩種,一種讓你變得更強,另一種毫無價值,只徒添折磨。

59. There is but one rule: Hunt or be hunted.


60. There is no solace above or us... Small, solitary,battling one another.I pray to myself, for myself.


《紙牌屋》經典臺詞 政治遠比愛情誠實 第7張


61. These days,when you're talking to one person,you're talking to a thousand.

62. This country demands bold,persistent experimentation.

It is common sense to take a method and try it.

And if it fails,admit it frankly and try another.

But above all,try something.

63. Treading water’s the same as drowning for people like you and me.對我們這類人來說勉強生存與死無異。

64. Vigilance. It’s good for the soul.保持警醒。對靈魂有好處。

65. We live by on rule, and one rule only never again will we allow ourselves to be put in such a position.我們只有一條準則,絕不再陷入如此境地。

66. We should enjoy our success and be grateful for never let your gratitude sour into a person's character isn't determined by how he or she enjoys victory,but rather how he or she endures ing can help us endure dark times better than our faith.

67. What a martyr craves more than anything a sword to fall on,so you sharpen the blade,hold it at just the right angle,and then 3, 2, 1--

烈士最渴求的就是壯烈犧牲,所以你磨好兵刃,調整好角度,默數三 二 一.......

68. What are we supposed to do in the face of so much senseless pain And he said to me,“What else can we do but take what seems meaningless and try to make something meaningful from it”

在這些無意義痛苦面前,我們該怎麼做? 他告訴我:“除了從無意義的事中,盡力挖掘出 一些有意義的東西,我們還能做什麼呢?”

69. What is faith? If it doesn't endure when we are tested the most?


70. When the wind's blowing at gale force,

there's no point in sailing against it.

71. While God may not give us any answers,he has given us the capacity for love.

《紙牌屋》經典臺詞 政治遠比愛情誠實 第8張


72. Whoever you are , whoever you think you are,believe that you're also a silent princess. Your name is Ida. Your journey is one through a forgotten langscape of twisting staircases and morphing castles, atop floating stones defiantly crossing an angry sea within dimly-lit caverns cobwebbed with ruins.

73. You are entitled to nothing.

74. You are never to dictate what I can and cannot do. The only two words I want to hear from you when I ask you to do something are "Yes" and "Sir."


75. You fuck me,I fuck back.

76. You see, Freddy believes that if a fridge falls off a minivan, you better swerve out of its way. I believe it’s the fridge’s job to swerve out of mine.弗萊迪認爲如果冰箱從小貨車上掉下來,你得趕快避開。我卻認爲冰箱該給我讓道。

77. 悲傷讓人想要答案,但有時真的就沒有。

78. 畢竟,我們多少隻是我們選擇表現出來的樣子。

After all, we are nothing more or less that what we choose to reveal.

79. 別浪費時間哀悼巴恩斯小姐了。每隻小貓都會長大,一開始看起來都很無害,幼小、安靜,舔着淺盤裏的牛奶。但爪子一旦長長了。貓就會撓人。有時甚至會撓養貓人的手。對於我們這些爬向食物鏈頂端的人來說,絕不能心慈手軟。只有一條規則:不做獵人,便爲獵物。

80. 當你的身後有雄獅追逐,你不用跑的比獅子快,你只要跑得比你的朋友快,就能生存。

81. 當我手捧他的骨灰時,我一定會對他充滿信任。

82. 動力絕不來自於敬重,而是恐懼。

83. 對我最重要的數字跟工作無關,而是從1999年4月4日至今的天數,截止今早 一共有5185天。數字越大我越感到害怕,因爲我知道一杯酒就能讓數字清零。很多人認爲恐懼是弱點,有時是的,有時由於工作的關係我要讓他人生懼,我知道那樣不對,但如果按第四步說的那樣 實話實說,我必須殘忍 因爲我不能失敗,戒酒也是如此。要對自己殘忍,我得利用恐懼,它讓我變得堅強,就像在座各位 我無法改變本性,但我能掌控那個零,讓那個零去死吧。

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84. 對於爬到食物頂端的我們而言,絕不能心慈手軟。我們的世界只有一條規則,弱肉強食。

85. 反目的朋友纔是你最可怕的敵人。

86. 改變就是進步,經常改變造就完美!

87. 剛出虎口,又入狼窩。如果你是滴血的肉,那就殺了別人,給他們更新鮮的肉。

88. 國王陛下,疏於動腦,唯一擅長之事便是妄下結論。陛下一生,最喜歡喃喃自語,和和稀泥。不過,若我們除掉了他,那麼多馬克杯上又放誰的臉呢?

89. 汗流浹背讓人興(性)致勃勃

90. 幾個世紀以後 人們再看這段錄像 他們會看到 在屏幕最小角微笑的那人是誰 !

91. 克萊爾:你知道當法蘭斯向我求婚時,說什麼嗎?我記得他的一字一句,他說:“克萊爾,如果你只求快樂,那就拒絕吧,我不會跟你生好幾個孩子,倒數退休的日子,我保證你不會這樣,我保證你永遠不會感到無聊。”

92. 恐懼是偉人成功的祕訣。如果別人害怕你會將其毀於一旦,徹底打倒,那自然會對你畢恭畢敬,俯首帖耳。

93. 恐懼於一無所有間誕生的泱泱帝國,於亂世狼煙中催生惶惶革命。

94. 領導力的關鍵標誌是誇大自己的力量,政治的核心內容是遮掩自己的錯誤。

95. 邏輯和真誠對這羣暴徒的狂野絲毫沒有作用。

96. 沒什麼比信仰更能支撐我們度過艱難時光了。

97. 沒有祕密,我們就不是自己。

98. 民主制是靠不住的。

99. 你可以這麼認爲,但我不可能發表任何人評論

《紙牌屋》經典臺詞 政治遠比愛情誠實 第10張


100. 你們想要我這樣的人守門,因爲你們知道我會不惜一切,你們都喜歡這樣,參與其中並從中獲利。別否認,你喜歡的,你並不需要我堅持什麼,你只希望我站出來,希望我強勢,希望我採取行動。天吶,你好喜歡行動跟口號,不管我的是什麼,我做了什麼,只要我有所作爲,你就樂意跟着走。老實說,我不怪你,你生活中有那麼多愚蠢跟猶豫,爲什麼不要個我這樣的人?我不道歉,最終,我不在意你是愛我還是恨我,只要我贏就行。


101. 你休想跑到我家來還擺出一副你的地盤的樣子。

102. 你只想着現狀,卻沒想到未來。

103. 你知道什麼叫勇敢嗎?無論有何感受都能管住嘴巴;形勢如此嚴峻依然不亂陣腳。

104. 情人眼裏出西施,編輯手中藏事實。

105. 求回報的善舉只是僞善

106. 權力是令人上癮的毒藥,好像讓飛蛾獻身的燭火,大家趨之若鶩,完全意識不到危險將近,他們願意犧牲一切事業,名聲,甚至生命。

107. 如果不喜歡桌子的擺法,掀了它。

108. 什麼東西都是關於性,但性本身和性沒關係。性是一種權力關係。

109. 實現野心的道路,必是很多犧牲者的屍體鋪成。

110. 世上沒有永恆不變的事物。歡笑不長久,慾望不長久,生命本身,也總會走到盡頭。這真是至理名言。所以,人生在世,最要緊的就是及時行樂,活在當下,把手中的東西緊緊抓住。

《紙牌屋》經典臺詞 政治遠比愛情誠實 第11張


111. 世上有兩種副總統,受氣包和鬥牛士。你覺得我想做哪種呢。

112. 俗話說的“林間漫步”不適合我,在林蔭小徑尋尋覓覓,思考死亡與永生,不,歷史要去爭取,贏了今天,再去贏明天,日復一日,至死方休。你被載入史冊,不是因爲你總是贏,而是因爲你從不輸

113. 所謂承諾,就是無論環境如何變化也不受影響。

114. 所有死去的人,都因爲追求自己的慾望,而死在了追求過程中暴露出來的弱點上。在叢林中,活下來的是暴露弱點最少的,但是沒有一種生命能夠避免因爲老邁而被取代。

115. 所有政治都是追求勝利的藝術

116. 他們幫了我們一個大忙。我們不必再效忠於他們,不效忠任何人。

117. 天堂地獄都沒法給你慰藉,只有我們自己,渺小、 孤獨,奮鬥,與彼此抗爭,我向自己祈禱,爲自己祈禱。

118. 痛苦分兩種,一種讓你變得更強,另一種毫無價值,只徒添折磨。我對沒有價值的東西沒有耐心,這種時刻,需要有人採取行動...或做一些不好的事...也是必要的事。好了,痛苦結束了。

119. 爲何世界瞬息萬變,你卻總能走在前面。

120. 爲什麼要虛度一生去換取入土之後碑頭的空文呢?“永存我心”,什麼樣的蠢蛋纔會希望自己的墳頭銘刻上這樣一句空話?這不過是無病呻吟的多愁和善感毫無意義。

121. 唯一比說服別人按我意願做事更讓我滿足的就是故意沒能說服他們。就像“禁止進入”標誌,簡直就是在求你走進去。

122. 我愛那女人,甚於鯊魚愛鮮血

《紙牌屋》經典臺詞 政治遠比愛情誠實 第12張


123. 我必須殘忍,因爲我不能失敗。

124. 我不能利用事後不能甩不開的人,我是在強化我們之間的和作關係。

125. 我得利用恐懼,讓我變的更強。

126. 我活着不是爲了做你最好的朋友

127. 我們當然應該享受成功並心懷感激,但千萬不要讓感激變爲驕傲。

128. 我們還是面對現實吧,人生就是一場零和博弈,輸贏高下都在政壇上見分曉。不管我們願不願意,都是這條路上無奈的過河卒子,只能一路向前。

129. 我們會面對人性中最可怕的一面,我們會面對人性的喪失,乃至邪惡本身。但我們一定會取得勝利。這場戰爭我們不會輸。

130. 我能做什麼不能做什麼,你管不着。我哈哈你做的時候,只想聽到兩個詞“是的”和“先生”。

131. 我受夠給別人打工了,而且我知道自己比老闆更出色,他們總想打壓我 排斥我 ,我就想 按我自己的方式來吧。

132. 我討厭不知情 焦急等待 胡亂猜測 無能爲力

133. 我喜歡狗勝過喜歡人類,因爲和狗更容易培養感情。

134. 我要對自己殘忍,利用恐懼使自己變得堅強。

135. 兄弟間的小鬥爭不是什麼壞事,特別是在養子之間。他們要麼彼此施壓,兩人都更上一層樓,要麼其中一人被踢回孤兒院。

136. 雄心壯志徹底破滅後,散落的煙塵能匯聚成最壯美的夕陽。


137. 選擇放棄就別問爲什麼得不到

138. 一個人的品行,不取決於這人如何享受勝利,而在於這人如何忍受失敗,沒有什麼比信仰更能支撐我們度過艱難時光了。

139. 一個人要拼搏奮鬥,動力絕不來自於敬重,而是恐懼。恐懼於一無所有間誕生泱泱帝國,於亂世狼煙中催生惶惶革命。恐懼是偉人成功的祕訣。如果別人害怕你會將其毀於一旦,徹底打倒,那自然會對你畢恭畢敬,俯首帖耳。最原始的恐懼令人陶醉其中,勢不可擋,衝擊力過人。恐懼之力,永比尊敬更甚。

140. 一隻貓爬樹爬越高,跌下來就摔得越慘。

141. 有人窮途末路,夕陽西下,卻是有人的嶄新起點,旭日東昇。

《紙牌屋》經典臺詞 政治遠比愛情誠實 第13張


142. 慾望使人高瞻遠矚,而盲目的愛使人目光短淺如井底之蛙

143. 這世界上只有兩種痛,一種讓你強大,而另一種毫無意義。無意義的痛苦,儘早讓它結束。

144. 政治需要犧牲,當然,是別人的犧牲。

145. 政治遠比愛情誠實。因爲在政治中,你總是期待着背叛。

146. 紙上談兵那一套對我不管用,我信奉的是勇往直前。

147. 忠誠具有速溶咖啡之特點:廉價和最終令人失望。

148. 主動妥協就像是建議鯊魚先舔你一口。

149. 自願帶領一支隊伍衝在前面固然是值得稱讚的英雄行爲。但最好還是退後幾步,讓別人衝鋒陷陣,你只需靜候時機,踩着他們的屍體衝出去一舉得勝

150. 總統就像曠野上的一棵孤樹,風往哪吹,他就往哪倒。

151. 最原始的恐懼令人陶醉其中,勢不可擋,衝擊力過人。恐懼之力,永比尊敬更甚。永比尊敬更甚。

《紙牌屋》經典臺詞 政治遠比愛情誠實 第14張




《紙牌屋》根據同名小說改編的一部政治劇。主要描述一個冷血無情的美國國會議員及與他同樣野心勃勃的妻子在華盛頓白宮中運作權力的故事。 主人公弗萊西斯是美國國會衆議院多數黨黨鞭(多數黨督導),是一個老謀深算的職業政客,他堅信新當選的美國總統及其幕僚背叛了他,於是發誓要將這一任總統趕下臺,他不擇手段展開一系列部署。